Dear all,

thank you for regis­tering for the Green Hydro­gen webinar series. Star­ting on 6th of January, experts will high­light dif­fe­rent aspects of the hydro­gen value chain in weekly lec­tures. The events will take place every Wed­nes­day at 7 pm and last between 1 and 1 12 hours (lecture + discussion).

All details on the content struc­ture of the webinar series and the topics of the single events can be found here:
Besides, the slides of past pre­sen­ta­ti­ons will be publis­hed on this website.

You will receive the dial-in data for the Zoom room by e‑mail the day before the event. If you no longer wish to receive these e‑mails, please inform us.

We wish you a happy Christ­mas season and look forward to your par­ti­ci­pa­tion in the events in the coming year.

Your Green Hydro­gen Webinar Team